Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse
Learn key Ayurvedic Principles of Eating and Living Well, unlock the potential to heal your body, prevent disease & achieve optimal health and vitality
Take the power in your own hands to heal your body.
Develop a more conscious relationship with your body and your daily routines. Understand how the simple choices we make on a daily basis affect our health and well-being.
What to expect from this program:
- Initial phone consultation, discussion on cleansing options and timeline (3, 5 or 7 days - your choice)
- Meal plans, shopping lists, and all the recipes you need
- Supplies and ingredients available on request
- Guidance in Ayurvedic Self-Care practices
- Online Access to Nourishing and Detoxifying Yoga and Meditation practices
- and more!
In our fast-paced modern lifestyle - in order to achieve balance of body, mind and spirit, we need to take time to slow down, pause and reflect. You deserve to take this time for you, to rejuvenate, to eat healing foods, to make time for self-care. Healing is best done holistically, paying equal attention to body, mind and spirit.
Our body accumulates toxins year round, through poor diet choices, stress, chemicals in food, water, medicines and personal care products, as well as environmental pollutions. Main areas of toxin build up include the digestive system, liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, and the lymphatic system. As toxins in the body accumulate, they place more and more stress on these organs of elimination. After a cleanse, these organs can do their job much more efficiently. It is much easier to fix an imbalance in the body before a disease sets in.
It's amazing how great you feel after doing a cleanse. And because you feel so good, naturally you will want to integrate some of what you have learned, into your daily life. It enriches your whole life with sustainable self-care.
Some of the benefits of doing a cleanse include: enhanced energy and vitality, stress reduction, balanced digestive system, enhanced immune system, better sleep, balanced hormones, weight loss, increased zest for life, enhanced mental clarity and focus.
If you experience any of these symptoms, a cleanse might be what you need:
Physically: low energy, skin issues, allergies, asthma, immune system issues, frequent colds, gut issues, recurring headaches, joint and body aches and pains, cravings for unhealthy food and drink, constipation, bloating, heavy and sluggish, weight gain, puffiness or dark circles under the eyes, foul body odour, rashes or acne.
Emotionally: feeling on edge, stuck in a rut, restless, anxious, easily frustrated and irritated, mood swings
Mentally: lots of clutter in the mind, negative self-talk, anxiety, depression, brain fog, spacey
How do you begin? I'm here to assess your situation, to help you determine what your needs and goals are, regarding all levels of your health.
We can speak over the phone, or in-person, for an initial consultation, to help you figure out what manageable steps you would like to take. The program will be designed to meet your own needs. As well I will be providing ongoing support throughout your cleanse. Please contact me below if you'd like to know more about the program.
Take the power in your own hands to heal your body!
Become more in tune with your body and your daily routines. Understand how the simple choices you make on a daily basis greatly affect your health and well-being.
What to expect from this program:
- initial consultation, discussion on cleansing options, timeline, schedule
- info and guidance on self-care practices
- detailed explanation of cleanse program and schedule
- delicious recipes, meal plans, diet tips
- and more!
W h a t i s A y u r v e d a?
Ayurveda is the sister science of Yoga, a system of healing that originates from India, more specifically the "Vedas" (the most ancient Sanskrit text - over 5000 years old). It's body, mind and spirit medicine that has stood the test of time, but has also evolved to deal with our modern issues and our environment today. "Ayur " means life and "Veda" means knowledge. It's the study of how to have a long, healthy, happy, productive and spiritually-connected life. It is holistic medicine, it takes into account the whole individual and their unique constitution.
Rather than treating symptoms with drugs and ignoring the underlying problems, Ayurvedic medicine aims to look at the root of disease and how it’s related to a person’s thoughts, beliefs and lifestyle — in other words, a person’s “vital energy.”
One of the most important things you should know is that our body has the innate ability to heal...even with serious disease.
Excerpt from Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom - by Acharya Shunya
"We should never underestimate the physical body, there is a great power that lies latent inside there for you to discover and own. Your body is a field of healing potential. You deserve health. You body is like the earth, where seeds of health lie dormant patiently waiting for rain. Your body simply waits for you to give it just a little bit of love and the invisible potential will actualize into blossoms of health. So recognize the amazing regenerative power of your body, a power that exists in each and every cell. Given the right nutrition and positive living conditions - the body will self-heal. The choices that we make each and every day can both protect our health and restore it." .
Ayurveda strongly emphasizes that the simple acts we do everyday can make the most profound effect on our health. You can make positive changes right now, one step at a time in order to improve your health and vitality.
Contact me at heathermcdermidyoga@gmail.com or (204) 467-7949 for more info.
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