Join us for Fall-focused Wellness Program, to boost your well-being and infuse each day with bliss and vitality!! Become more in tune with your body and your daily routines. Understand how the simple choices you make on a daily basis greatly affect your health and well-being. You have the power to improve your physical, mental and emotional well-being, and promote longevity. A great opportunity to begin or renew a daily commitment to yourself! My goal is to share with you what works for me, while keeping it simple with sustainable and enjoyable daily rituals. What to expect: - Access to online Yoga practices (15 min each) : featuring asana (poses), pranayama (breathing) or meditation. - Best food choices and delicious recipes for Fall to aid detoxification and optimization of digestion and organ function - Nurturing self-care practices to increase energy and promote healing - and more! This program is ideal for anyone looking for simple, accessible, holistic ways to live a more authentic and balanced life. You’ll learn practices and tips to help you live your best life! Benefits of joining this program: - increased energy and vitality - enhanced digestive and immune system - improved eating habits and possible weight loss - increased strength, flexibility & mobility - stress reduction and balanced nervous system - enhanced mental clarity
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app